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07/21/2012 / avenues of artistry

Here is this week’s Passport To A Healthy Me! post with a great recipe that I am obsessed with!

Passport to a Healthy Me!

-Alice Pennes, guest blogger

The flavors of garlic, tomato, basil and olive oil always feel like a treat to me.  With all the summer tomatoes and fresh basil around I wanted to create a dish incorporating all those luxurious flavors that could be served as vegetable dish and without the bread or pasta.

Originally I thought green beans would be perfect because they look like short spaghetti! Then I realized I could take lacinato kale and slice it into strips to look like fettuccine pasta.

And so, this dish was born. I can’t stop making it sometimes including green beans with the strips of “green fettuccine”.  Here is the recipe I came up with incorporating greens & green beans. All of these vegetables and most of the other ingredients can be purchased at your local farmers market at this time of year.

  • 1 bunch of Kale
  • 2 big handfuls…

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