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02/14/2013 / avenues of artistry

give yourself a whole lotta love


last year i made a great list (if i may say so myself) of love songs to celebrate V day.

this year seems to be the year of celebrating valentines day in a different way. or at least that’s what NPR is doing. for example, All Songs Considered comes out with a Valentines play list every year. this year they created a play list of all time greatest break up songs. this reminded me of my favorite episodes of This American Life, a very old one, about breakups. at one point or another, we all have our heart broken and then need to dust ourselves off and get up.  this is often the time that we remember to give ourselves a little extra love.

valentines day isn’t a holiday that i put a lot of stock into but, spending valentines day alone, or without a deep love can also be really challenging as well as disappointing for many people.  whatever relationship (or sans relationship) phase you are in, you can choose this day to open up some space and hone in on loving yourself. no need to go through a messy break up or diss a date to remember to give yourself some love. rather, value this extra opportunity to recognize your ability and desire to share love- take it!

so in honor of this year’s unusual twist on V day… i want to share with you some ways to show yourself some sweet love.

1. make yourself a list of love songs, or favorite songs that you can listen to whenever you need to remind yourself how fabulous you actually are.


2. let me count the ways… make a list of things you love about your life and yourself. maybe even use this as an opportunity to check in with yourself on your goals!


3. get creative… give yourself a handmade valentines day card. write a poem, draw a picture, make a craft to give to yourself.


4. take yourself out….. to a class you’ve always wanted to try, a brunch, a coffee, or grab yourself a spot at a sushi bar.


5. nature calls…. go for a long stroll (maybe you’ll even hold your own hand), watch the sunset, put your toes in the sand, sit in the park reading on your favorite blanket.


6. listen to your heart… what is it calling out for? and then listen to it!  no one has a better idea of what you need than you.


please share any ways you give yourself some lovin’ and remember to spread this out beyond today and through the rest of your year!  happy valentines day! ❤


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  1. Happy Heart Day 🙂 (good advice too)

  2. Rachelle / Feb 14 2013 12:04 pm

    7. Snuggle up with a hot drink, a good novel and a warm blanket in your favorite comfy chair or couch.

    8. Put on something pretty, put a flower in your hair and dab yourself with something sweet smelling as you greet your day.

    9. Value the sunshine whenever and wherever you see it. Point your face upward toward the sun, close your eyes and bask in the warmth.

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